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Project Report On ATM

An Automated Teller Machine (ATM) allows customers to perform banking transactions anywhere and at anytime without the need of human teller. By using a debit or ATM card at an ATM, individuals can withdraw cash from checking or savings accounts, make a deposit or transfer money from one account to another or perform other functions. You can also get cash advances using a credit card at an ATM. Individuals should be aware that many banks charge transaction fees – generally ranging from Rs 50-150 per transaction - for using another bank’s ATM.  

The ATM is online with the bank, that is, each transaction will be authorised by the bank on-demand and directly debited from the account's owner. The ATM works as follows. First, the client will insert his/her client card in the ATM and then the ATM will ask for a Personal Identification Number (PIN) , if the number is entered incorrectly several times in a row, most ATMs will retain the card as a security precaution to prevent an unauthorised user from working out the PIN by pure guesswork. 

Once the correct PIN is given, the ATM will ask for the amount of money to be withdrawn. If the amount is available and if the client has enough money on his credit then the said amount of money will be paid. Whether the amount of money is payable or not, i.e. the ATM has enough cash but could be the case the ATM has no change for that amount, will be also checked. Once the money is offered to the client a countdown is started, i.e. the client has a determined amount of time to pick up the money. If this timeout is over, the money will be collected by the ATM and the transaction will be rolled back.

The class Card_input has the methods for reading the code of the client's card and for ejecting the card from the ATM. The class Card_input will interact through the Controller with the class Terminal, where the methods Req_PIN and Req_amount are defined, in order to get the PIN of the user and to verify if the given PIN is correct or not. The class Card will have the information of the cardholder, that is, the Card_number, PIN, and Account_number. The Controller will interact with Bank using the information of the cardholder in order to get the authorization to pay (or not) the requested amount. 

The bank_interface will send the request to the Accounting class, which belongs to the Bank package, in order to call the Debit method of the accounting class3. The Accounting class has the methods Rollback, Authorization and Debit which directly interact with the Accounts class. Rollback is for roll back a transaction (for the case anything is wrong) and should leave the account and the teller machine in the original state; Authorization will authorize or not an operation and Debit will extract the requested amount of money from the account in the case the operation is authorized.
ATMs are generally reliable, but if they do go wrong customers will be left without cash until the following morning or whenever they can get to the bank during opening hours. Of course not all errors are to the detriment of customers; there have been cases of machines giving out money without debiting the account or giving out a higher denomination of note by mistake. 

There are also many "phantom withdrawals" from ATMs, which banks often claim are the result of fraud by customers. Phantom withdrawals are considered to be a problem generated by dishonest insiders by most other observers. 

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