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500 Microcontroller Based projects

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Design with microcontrollers:Final year ECE projects

  1.   ATmega644 JTAG Debugger
  2. Ultrasonic Haptic Vision (MP4MP4MP4)
  3. Haptic appointment manager (MP4 lots of wind and construction noise)
  4. 3D ultrasonic mouse (MP4MP4MP4)
  5. 3D scanner (MP4) (hackedgadgets)
  6. Gesture Recognition Based on Scratch Inputs (MP4) (uelectronics, )
  7. LED Sensor Keyboard (MP4 7Mb) (hackaday)
  8. Touchpad/Infrared Music Synthesizer (MP4)
  9. Programmable Synthesized Guitar (MP4)
  10. Der Kapellmeister (MP4)
  11. IR harp (MP4MP4)
  12. Digital Receipts System (hackedgadgetszedomaxuelectronics, )
  13. ODB-II Automotive data interface (hackaday, )
  14. Traction control system
  15. ACL Research: Foot Acceleration Sensor
  16. Fart Intensity Detector (MP4) (kitecrazyhackadayPopular Science sept09Dvice, )
  17. Dual-Channel Mobile Surface Electromyograph (MP4)
  18. Tissue Impedance Digital Biopsy
  19. GPS Data Logger with Wireless Trigger (hackaday)
  20. Self-Adjusting Window Shade
  21. Weather Canvas (MP4)
  22. Autonomous Self-parking car (MP4MP4)
  23. Holonomic Drive Vehicle with Stochastic Evolution
  24. Ball Picker Robot (MP4)
  25. BalanceBot (MP4)
  26. Snakearm Multiple PID motor controller (with Wiimote!) (MP4)
  27. Electric Etch (MP4MP4)
  28. POV display (MP4) (hackaday)
  29. POV display
  30. Alarm clock with speech synthesis
  31. Blackout game
  32. ESD Foam Touch Controlled Brick Blaster
  33. NES emulator (uelectronics, )
  34. Laser Audio Transmitter
  35. Voice Tuner
  36. Wireless music player
  37. Multisensor Data Transmission
  38. Heliostat (MP4)
  39. Wii Conductor
  40. Musical Blocks
  41. Tic Tac Toe with CMOS Camera
  42. Robot Plotter
  43. PowerBox: smart AC outlet with metering and control
  44. Rhythm Ring: Interactive Rhythm Sequencer (MP4 video) (youtube and another)
  45. Trumpet MIDI Controller (MP4 video) (longer 53 Mbyte MP4 video)
  46. Air Drums (MP4 video)(MOV video) (youtube)
  47. Recorder Hero (MP4 video)
  48. Dueling Banjos (MP4 video)
  49. Intelligent wireless pedometer
  50. Networked Biometric Authentication
  51. Easy Input -head controlled mouse and keyboard interface (MP4 video1video2)
  52. Virtual Keyboard (Circuit Cellar Magazine, issue #227, June 2009 page 14-19)
  53. 3D LED display (MOV video 60 Mbyte) (MP4 video)
  54. BordFree videogame (MP4 video)
  55. Haptic glove (MP4 video1video2)
  56. High Speed Photography Controller
  57. 3D Maze in a Box video game (MP4 video)
  58. 3D Video Game Control (MP4 video)
  59. Multi-Player Light Cycle on Color TV (MP4 video)
  60. Gesture-driven Tetris (MP4 video)
  61. Remote Chess
  62. Data Acquisition System With Controller Area Network and SD Card
  63. Automotive On-Board Diagnostics Reader
  64. Adaptive 60 Hz Noise Cancellation (Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol 185 (2009) pp50–55)
  65. Neural Net Helicopter (MP4 video)
  66. Accelerometer Controlled R/C Vehicle (MP4 video)
  67. Robot Arm (MP4 video)
  68. Help Quit Smoking Watch
  69. Electronic Impact Vest (MP4 video) (hacknmod) (Gizmodo)
  70. TouchSynth (MP4 video)
  71. TriWheeler robot (MP4 video) (youtube)
  72. Music Wand: Real-Time Optical Scanning of Sheet Music (MP4 video)
  73. Teaching an old clock (GE® Model 8116k) new tricks
  74. Shark Tag Microcontroller Platform
  75. Ghost Writer Robot (MP4 video)
  76. Rocket Inertial Navigation System (MP4 video)
  77. Guitar Tuner (MP4 video) (youtube)
  78. Scheme Interpreter
  79. Minigolf video game (MP4 video)
  80. Battlezone video game
  81. Laser Simon
  82. Snake Arm Glove
  83. Wiimote Crane
  84. Radio Beacon Finder
  85. Portable, color, tilt-controlled, video game (pictures 1234) (MP4-20MB)
  86. TouchPad video game (MP4-12MB)
  87. Laser Pong (mpeg: Bruce and Bryan playing) (blip.tvgizmodo, ubergizmoengadget ) 
    , Denmark April 2008, (picture of Adrian at show,coverage in Danish newspaper)
  88. Movement to Music: A Wearable Wireless Motion Sensor system (MP4-17MB)
  89. Music-controlled Puppet (MP4-21MB)
  90. Line-following car (mpeg) (YouTube)
  91. Audio homing robot (hackedgadgets)
  92. Model retina: color tracker (mpeg)(MP4-23MB)
  93. Evolving neural robot
  94. MCU MIDI synthesizer
  95. AirJam: wearable air guitar (pictures 12) (MP4-23MB)
  96. USB host controller (obsolete 476 version: USB host controller)
  97. UDP/Ethernet Controlled Temperature Regulator
  98. Dynamically reconfigurable MCU communication (local copy)
  99. Telescope controller
  100. Morse code interpreter, with speech synthesis
  101. Complex impedance analyzer
  102. uControl DVD macro-controller
  103. SD card MP3 player
  104. iPod controller
  105. USB Magnetic Mouse/Touchpad
  106. Polygraph (hacked-gadgets)
  107. Elevator Bank
  108. Pinball machine (MP4-15Mb)
  109. Guitar legend maker
  110. Braille reader
  111. Ultrasonic parking aid
  112. Retractable Alarm Clock (hackedgadgets)
  113. Autonomous Blimp (hackedgadgets)
  114. Automatic pet feeder
  115. Programmable medication scheduler
  116. CCD imager
  117. CalcParser
  118. Firefly synchronization
  119. Graphing calculator
  120. Speech recognition jukebox
  121. Speech recognition chess
  122. Sound Source Triangulation Game
  123. Touch Screen Controlled R/C Car
  124. AppleII emulator
  125. HDD analog clock with LCD touchscreen
  126. CUAUV Voltage Sniffer
  127. CUsat diagnostic board
  128. SearchBot (mpeg)
  129. RoboSweeper (mpeg, another mpeg)
  130. CoolerBot
  131. MCU/FPGA color video Game Platform (mpeg)
  132. Higher resolution color TV
  133. Color TV using two MCUs
  134. Musical Water Fountain (mpeg) (avi 20 Mbytes with sound)
  135. Two-TV video air Hockey (mpeg)
  136. Karaoke machine
  137. Dual control R/C car
  138. Guitar Synthesizer
  139. Self-powered solar data logger (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #198, Jan 2007, page 12toc)
  140. Lighting control system
  141. Intelligent multimedia
  142. ADPCM voice recorder
  143. Reflow oven controller (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 46 )
  144. Ultrasonic spotlight tracker
  145. Galvanic skin response meter
  146. RFID security system (AVR design contest 2006) (Circuit Cellar magazine, issue #199, Feb 2007, page 24)(hackedgadgets)
  147. Autonomous Helicopter (mpeg) (AVR design Contest 2006 ) (hackedgadgets)
  148. Voice recognition car
  149. Speech recognition security system
  150. Morse code transmit and receive
  151. Secure LED
  152. SwingBot (mpeg)
  153. SwingBot (mpeg)
  154. Barcode scanner
  155. Soccermania video game
  156. Capacitance sensor MIDI keyboard
  157. Grillzilla wireless meat thermometer
  158. Para-para-revolution video game (mpeg)
  159. SnakeArm ultrasonic positioning control
  160. Sign language coach (mpeg)
  161. Radial ChalkBot
  162. Bicycle computer
  163. Handwriting Recognition System
  164. GPS World
  165. Video puzzle
  166. Chess Robot
  167. kaOS operating system and loader (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #193 Aug 2006 page 56) (AVR design contest 2006)
  168. Keyboard mania (mpeg 19 Mbyte)
  169. Super Breakout video game (mpeg 1.9 Mbytes)
  170. Jezzball video game
  171. Duckhunt video game (mpeg 2.4 Mbytes)
  172. The Contender video game (mpeg 4.5 Mbytes)
  173. Big Red Juice Mixer (Slashdot article Monday, May 2, 2005)
  174. Color Tetris video game
  175. LightRover - light sensing robot
  176. PPP-Palm
  177. WeatherDog
  178. Virtual Pool (wmv 900 Kbytes) (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #184 November 2005 )
  179. AirMouse (Circuit Cellar Magazine, Issue #191 June 2006article)
  180. SharpShooter video game
  181. Neural net robot
  182. Wireless Electromyograph
  183. Stepper Motor Indexer & Decoder
  184. Turbidity meter
  185. Human Motion Capture
  186. Accelerometer Mouse
  187. Wireless Telemetry (avi 6 Mbytes) (HackADay Feb 16, 2006)
  188. Portable Security System
  189. Blood Pressure Monitor
  190. Missle Command video game
  191. Super Breakout video game (some images broken)
  192. Breathalyser door lock
  193. Programmable IR receiver and Connect-4 game
  194. MIDI drum controller
  195. Vocal Tuner
  196. RoboDog
  197. PC temperature control
  198. Dungeons of Doom video game
  199. Dual control RC car
  200. Solar Tracker
  201. GPS/inertial guidance
  202. Digger video game
  203. Gauntlet of uComputation
  204. CubeSat Diagnostics board
  205. Digital voice recorder
  206. ISREVER (Reversi) video game
  207. Frequency Division Multiplexing for a Multi-Sensor Wireless Telemetry System
  208. Shooting star video game
  209. Electronic Dartboard
  210. Kasubana electronic flower
  211. Bar Inventory System
  212. Voting Machine
  213. EyeSnake video game
  214. Digital Guitar tuner
  215. Automated Juice Mixer
  216. Mega32 webserver (code)
  217. Digital Stethoscope (Mpeg of display)
  218. Graduate from Cornell video game
  219. Flat Bed Scanner
  220. Non-orthogonal Plotter (mpeg)
  221. Mouse Painter
  222. Paint with mouse input
  223. Radio Controlled outlet strip
  224. Autonomous navigating robot (mpeg)
  225. Nova Strike video game
  226. Digital Compass
  227. MiniGolf video game with putter
  228. MiniGolf video game (mpeg)
  229. Programmable remote control
  230. Electr-O-Sketch (slashdot article) (Forbes article, follow the Custom Gadgets You Can't Buy link)
  231. Pong2
  232. Ultrasonic Rangefinder
  233. Mega32 Basic
  234. Music Synthesizer with Interactive TV Display
  235. Laser Morse code tutor
  236. Pump It Up audio game
  237. Guitar Tuner
  238. Beverage Monitor (slashdot article)
  239. MP3 radio
  240. Smart blinds
  241. Keypaw
  242. Home Security System
  243. Bar Code Scanner
  244. Implementation of a (31, 16) BCH code on a Microcontroller
  245. Ball Fight Video Game
  246. Breath Alcohol Tester
  247. WinAmp controller
  248. WinAmp Controller
  249. Eye-in-the-sky (mpeg of camera head)
  250. Xylophone
  251. Scorched Earth video game
  252. WonderSwan Development Cartridge
  253. Star Duel video game
  254. Big Red Map (Mpeg of engineering quad)
  255. Missle Command video game
  256. 3D gForce mouse
  257. Stationary Helicopter (mpeg)
  258. Remote control car
  259. Weather Station
  260. BlindBot
  261. Infrared Tracking System
  262. Inverted Pendulum Balancer
  263. Variable Traffic Controller
  264. MazeRunner Video Game
  265. 6502 Emulation on an Atmel Mega32
  266. Electronic Virtual Animal
  267. Arkanoid Video Game
  268. Cantneroid Video Game
  269. Digi-Level
  270. Reversi Video Game
  271. Guitar Special Effects
  272. Tap the Dance
  273. Graphing Calculator
  274. Dartboard with Video
  275. Memory Video Game
  276. Treasure of the High Seas Video Game
  277. PacMan Video Game
  278. SpaceInvaders Video Game
  279. Space Fighter Video Game
  280. Frogger Video Game
  281. MIDI synthesizer
  282. Radio Control Car
  283. Sound Effects Processor
  284. Battleship Video Game
  285. Wireless Keyboard
  286. DuckHunter Video Game
  287. MineSweeper Video Game
  288. Vehicle Performance Meter
  289. Digital Preamplifier
  290. Tetris Video Game
  291. Hockey Video Game
  292. Gray-scale Graphics: Dueling Ships
  293. Connect-4 Video Game
  294. Laser Light Show
  295. Wireless Drawing Device
  296. Laser Communications System
  297. TouchPad Drawing Board
  298. IntelliBot
  299. Sheet Music Generator
  300. TCP/IP
  301. Multi-Zone Fire Alarm System
  302. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
  303. Tic-Tac-Toe on TV
  304. Snake on TV
  305. Hard drive AVR programmer
  306. Audio Frequency Response Analyzer
  307. Line following autonomous car
  308. Safety-sensor vehicle
  309. MP3 Player
  310. MP3 Player
  311. Simon
  312. GPS AmeriMap
  313. Home security system
  314. Voice Activated Alarm Clock
  315. Russianbloc on LCD
  316. Pong on LCD
  317. Pong on oscilloscope
  318. Music Synthesizer
  319. Club Light Controller
  320. Blackjack2go
  321. Blackjack
  322. Globe
  323. Accelerometer Gmouse
  324. Postage meter
  325. Digital Hourglass
  326. Cornopoly on LCD
  327. Phone Dialer
  328. Laser Tag
  329. Robot Cricket
  330. WindCaddy
  331. Hovercraft
  332. Sound targeting
  333. Nintendo 64 to PS/2 Mouse
  334. Golf
  335. Fish: Video Controller
  336. PBX (Private Branch Exchange)
  337. Vertical Plotter
  338. X-Y Plotter
  339. Fertilizer Feedrate Controller
  340. Home Audio Control System
  341. SuperTrain Controller
  342. Digital Mirror Message Machine
  343. MP3 CD SuperJukebox
  344. Pre-emptive Operating System
  345. Wireless Internet Pager
  346. Wireless message Communicator
  347. Robot Arm
  348. Tilt Maze
  349. Ultra-Sonic Parking Assistant
  350. Cooking Coach
  351. BiLines
  352. gEECShip
  353. Graphing Calculator
  354. Web-based AVR Interface
  355. Midi Sequencer
  356. ECG monitoring system
  357. Autonomous Tank
  358. ZIP drive/Digital Camera
  359. Digital Message Machine
  360. Web-Monitored Thermostat
  361. Analog modem
  362. Robot Arm
  363. Security Entrance System
  364. Radio-controlled Truck
  365. Temperature Datalogger
  366. MP3 player
  367. Pong
  368. Snake 476
  369. Ultimate Alarm Clock
  370. Beat Tracking Strobe
  371. Guitar Special effects: The Shredder
  372. Drum machine and Sequencer
  373. Digital Thermometer
  374. Digital Oscilloscope
  375. Arbitrary Waveform Generator
  376. 8-Trak Sampler
  377. Serial-port game board
  378. Secure RSA Credit Card Transaction System
  379. Mini Area Network
  380. Autonomous Robotic Cricket
  381. Zen Touchpad
  382. Porche 911 Radio Controlled Car
  383. Autonomous Vehicle
  384. Spectrum Analyser
  385. Real-Time Guitar Tuner
  386. Whack-a-Cap
  387. CU Organizer
  388. Malay Language Learning kit
  389. Fixed point scientific calculator
  390. Etch-a-Sketch
  391. Real-time debugger
  392. VT100 Pong
  393. Home Security System
  394. Infrared Universal Remote Control
  395. Car Alarm System
  396. Hangman
  397. Simon
  398. Simon
  399. Answering Machine
  400. Thermostat
  401. BlackJack
  402. Blackjack
  403. Lego Vehicle
  404. RC car controller
  405. Sinewave Synthesizer
  406. Temperature and Pressure Control
  407. Video Frame Buffer

Microcontroller Applications 

Car parking system using Microcontroller 8051, 74157, 555 
Electronic door codelock with PIC PIC 16F84, electronic door codelock with PIC 16F84, schematics 
Home controller a small home controller intended to turn your personal computer ( PC ) into a process control / data collection system, RS232, PIC 16F873A, Educypedia
Infra/radio remote control transmitter/receiver with PIC
IR analyser

This system receives IR signals from existing remote controls and displays the waveform. It also attempts to categorize the signal based on several characteristics, PIC 16F876 
IR receiver receives and decodes signals from a Sony IR remote control and sends the codes received to a serial port on a PC 
NiMH battery charger PIC processor based high capacity battery charger, PIC16C711 
Oscillator - PICmicro microcontroller
pdf file
PIC16F84 based morse code reader
PIC to RS232 connection 16F84, 16F628, 16F676, 16F87x, 12F675 

RC5 microcontroller Tinyserir-RC5 is een kleine microcontroller die geprogrammeerd is om infrarood signalen te decoderen en serieel te verzenden zodat deze gedecodeerd kunnen worden door een apparaat die over een RS-232 poort beschikt, in Dutch
RDS/RBDS Decoder This project supports both RDS (Europe) and RBDS (USA) Tuner FM band 88..108 MhZ (Europe and USA.), 
Serial I/O PIC 16F84 
Serial port controlled infrared transmitter with PIC PIC 16F628, This is a programmable infrared (remote control) transmitter, which can be controlled from a PC serial port. It is capable of sending many remote control formats, including the Philips RC-5 standard

Serial to parallel converter AT89C2051, The converter runs at 9600 baud, and outputs each byte received on a centronics style parallel port, together with a nominal 50 microsecond strobe. The converter buffers up the bytes received if busy is active, and is bidirectional 

Square wave generator 100khz square wave generator, PIC 16F84 
Universal PIC Programmer - Flash PIC programmer for the board 
USB and PIC Microprocessors 16C745 and 18F2455
Video DVM Video-DVM is a very cheap DVM that shows how an output as complex as a videocomposite signal can be generated entirely in software: two I/O pins and three resistors are all the hardware required. Connected to any TV set it displays voltages, included max and min peaks, using both giant digits and an analog bar-display, Atmel's AT90S1200 Horiz

Microcontroller Applications: Clocks  

Astronomy clock microcontroller project 2x16 LCD module, PIC16F877A, 16 button keyboard
Digital clock digital propeller clock circuit 
Nixie Tube Propeller Clock the world's first propeller clock using a nixie tube 
Pendule à PIC PIC 16C84 Propeller clock Propeller clock with the PIC16F84A 
Propeller clock overview of the construction of the clock 
Propeller clock
Propeller clock "Propeller Clock" Mechanically Scanned LED Clock. Seven light emitting diodes spin, giving the illusion of numbers in the air, PIC16C84 or 16F84 microprocessor 

Propeller clock Basic PIC 16F84 flash microcontroller circuit 
Scope Clock DG7 tube and PIC16F876
Timer on a PIC16F628 a 24 hours clock which may be programmed to turn on and off some device at programmed time  

Microcontroller Applications: LCD control  

2-Wire LCD Interface" using the PIC16C84 microcontroller Alphanumeric LCD displays, assembler source file written for the PIC16C84, 74LS174

GPS LCD Display Project This project is based on a PIC16F84, included a MAX232 level converter to do the TTL to Serial conversion before it came into the PIC HD44780-based character-LCD how to control a HD44780-based character-LCD, MIC 8051, PIC 16C84 

LCD control library
LCD serial terminal based on the PIC 16F84, has RS-232 serial in/out, up to 20 programmable keys, character LCD up to 2x40, 5 auxiliary inputs, 6 auxiliary outputs

PIC LCD Controller Project The LCD Serializer is a very small piggy-back board containing a PIC 16C54 (or 16F84) that converts any "standard" LCD module to a RS232 controlled display  

Microcontroller Applications: light 

Animated LED Animated LED, PIC16C84, a 4x4 pixel animated LED billboard of the type commonly seen at railway stations, in store windows and so on
Bicycle Persistence of Vision Light Display using ATTiny26

B0L12 Infrared Sensor PIC 16F873A,  Sony IR remote control, pdf file

Building an infrared remote decoder PIC12F675 or PIC12F629

Driving 7-segment LED Displays 16F84 

Electronic TL-Dimmer PIC16F876 based 2-channel Electronic TL-Dimmer with sunrise & sunset simulator for fishtanks, with 20x4 VFD, timer, DCF77 24H-clock & calendar

Heart of LEDs Atmel AT89C2051

Infrared / Ultrasonic beacon Sender, Receiver, D/A conversion, PIC - program, Interface-programming, Master-slave communication, Mobile robot, Turnable beacons 

IR Receiver for Sony Remotes The circuit is built to receive signals from a standard Sony remote control and send the code bytes(2) received to an RS-232 port

IR Remote Signal Analyzer
LED flasher PIC 16F84 

LeD MaTRiX This is a simple, programmable, autonomous and extensible LED matrix with the possibility of being controlled by a computer using a RS232 connection. Its basic modules are the Controller Board, the I/O Port expander boards and the LED matrix cardboard support. The micro controller is a common Microchip, PIC16F88 
LED Patterns with AVR micro This AVR Startup Project will create a rolling display pattern using up to 8 Light Emiting Diodes. But more importantly, this page demonstrates how to set up and run a basic program using the power ATMEL AVR development kit 
Micro based PIR to IR remote converter An Atmel AT90S1200 controlling a panasonic VCR 
Microcontroller: control of one 20 watt halogen lamp PIC 16F84 chip Microcontroller multichannel light dimmer a microprocessor-controlled multiple channel lighting dimmer, that could be used in theatrical and other applications. The device will accept input from a wide range of interfaces: RS232 input, DMX512 (theatrical lighting standard) or RS485, or a Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI). The device will control a number of lamps by using some form of AC power control, AT90S8515 
Night Light Saver Build a device that turn on and off a night light automatically. Save Energy, No EMI, No Battery, Built-in Lamp Fixture, and Peak Shaving, AT89C2051 
PIC 16C63 midi controlled light dimmer
PIC 16F84 IGBT brightness phase controller  a single channel phase controller for a PIC16x84 10MHz, zip file

PIC16F873 remote display
PIC IR Decoders
Red Light for Astronomy Observing PIC12F683

RGB LED, Dart teller, Magic Ball 16F628

Rotating Sprocket Wheel Generator  PIC16F84 

Seven-Segment Display (multiplexing) PIC 16F84 
Solar Charger PIC16F84

Using a PIC® Microcontroller for DMX512 Communication dmx512 protocol, application note  

Microcontroller Applications: Measurement 

50 MHz frequency counter, voltage meter & SWR/PWR indicator
Analog to digital conversion using a PIC16C54
pdf file,  part of 

PIC16C54 application notes
Countdown Dark Room Timer PIC16F84 based Countdown Dark Room Timer from 00:00 to 99:59 minutes with relay & alarm 

Digital RF Field Strength Indicator with LED display using Atmel AT90S2313 AVR Processor
Digital water level meter 16F876, water level meter circuit

DS1820 temperature sensor readout unit
Humidity & temperature unit
LED temperature display with PIC16F876
PIC16F873 ultrasonic range meter
PICADC a free, PIC based "intelligent" A/D converter, PIC16F84, MAX190 ADC

PIC-based 4 channel voltmeter PIC-based 4 channel voltmeter, pdf file

Temperature controller 2KW heater controller, PIC12C508, zip file

Temperature monitor controller DS1621 based on an AT90S2313 and a Dallas DS1621 Digital Thermometer. The temperature is displayed on a dual 7-segment display, and two buttons are used for setting parameters, a high current relay switches the heating element 
Temperature controlled based on AT89CX051 Atmel 89CX051, LM334Z, LM324, 
MAX232 chip
Ultra sonic range meter using PIC
Wattmeter Project Digital Wattmeter Project, PIC16F876 

Weather station 68HC11, a micro-based weather station, pdf file   
Microcontroller Applications: Motor control 

68HC11 stepper motor control PID control with 68HC11, stepper control circuit 

89C2051 stepper motor interface
Alarme automobile PIC 16F84AP, en Français

AVR Robot Controller The controller is built around the powerful Atmel ATMEGA16 processor with 16kb of memory running at 8 MHz for an 8 mip processing speed

Line-following car
Microcontroller based motor speed control
OOPic Servo Motor Controller A standard Radio Control (RC) Servo is a motorized device that moves its actuator to a position specified by a controlling electronic signal. Inside is a complete servo system including motor, gearbox, feedback device (pot), servo control circuitry, and drive circuit

PIC16F84 stepper motor controller
PIC16F84 Line Following Robot a small line following robot designed to follow a black line drawn on a dry erase board. It is designed to follow very tight curves

PIC16F873 DC motor speed controllerProgram listing for DC motor speed controller

Software flow chart for DC motor speed controller

PIC based serial port servo controller
PIC servo speed controller
Pulsgenerator 16F628, servomotor control 

Régulateur de ventilateur de PC PIC16F84, PWM, en Français

Stepper motor driver PIC 16F84

UltraSonic USB Radar Microchip PIC18F4550, Ultrasonic Range Sensor

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