Author: Ad Anderson
Compiler: mikroPascal for PIC
Program measures the rotation period based on a pulse input and calculates RPM NOTE: Interrupt Procedure is NOT used as the CCP2 interrupt flag is set regardless of whether interrupt is enabled. Since the CCP2IF is checked in the Main repeat loop, there is no need for the MP3 Interrupt Procedure.Download Now [6.28KB
Compiler: mikroPascal for PIC
Program measures the rotation period based on a pulse input and calculates RPM NOTE: Interrupt Procedure is NOT used as the CCP2 interrupt flag is set regardless of whether interrupt is enabled. Since the CCP2IF is checked in the Main repeat loop, there is no need for the MP3 Interrupt Procedure.Download Now [6.28KB
dear sir i want to design 8051 based tachometer.can u please send the circuit diagram and coding to my id-